Ditch the Debt: Learn my BLUEPRINT to Debt Elimination + a $imple Money Management Plan you can put in place TODAY
(for busy 40-ish professional women)

Hey, I'm Jamey
(Investment Advisor Rep & fellow woman)
It wasn't until my 40s that I was able to go from $70K in debt to a more-than-imaginable net worth.
I grew up with "never enough" speak and welfare vibes. So when I did get a good-paying job, I overcompensated by racking up debt on designer clothes to mask my childhood money shame.
After reaching my financial rock bottom (and hopefully I'm catching you before you reach yours - cuz lemme tell you that was embarrassing), I was finally ready to address my yo-yo habit of spending to cover up, then paying off my debt to feel better, only to rack it up again.
If I only knew what I know now, taking 7 years to pay off $70K in debt could have been done in 2 years!
Women need a plan. But not just any plan...
A simple plan that doesn't have you tracking every cent, living in spreadsheets, and feeling deprived.
The masculine financial industry ignores our quality of life now, and tends to focus on investments or retirement planning which feels rigid & restrictive and only considers 'later'.
Feminine energy wants to play NOW!
Women want time off of work, childcare, to hang with girlfriends, to travel, shop, and exercise, and need a more holistic money management system (created by a woman).
Here's what you get:
🎧 An audio outlining every single pitfall I encountered and my darkest secrets that came to light so you can learn how to stop accumulating debt and start building wealth
🗓️ My step-by-step plan that I wish I had years ago! It will keep you in your feminine, allow for play, and STILL reach your debt-free life goals plus and grow the money you have
Putting this plan in place will not only get you debt-free faster, but it will change your entire life! Your relationships will be better, your work will be better and you will return to your vibrant self!